From 227 to 143 pounds. I’m 53, 5’6”. I finally have my old life back & it feels great to enjoy everything that I used to ;)

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Sarah Conner

Writer at My Beautiful Journey. Mom of 2, Grandma of 5. Lover of food, the outdoors, great wine & now living her best life.

June 2nd, 2021 - 2 min read

Sarah Conner Main Photo

My journey started when we got a retirement home in Florida and I felt like a jealous teenager.

After years of marriage and having kids, I never thought in my 50’s I’d be worrying about my husband leaving me. But it was the best thing that could have happened!

My Mom once said:

“After having kids your body will never be the same”

She was trying to scare me off boys, but those words stuck with me for the next 50 years!

As soon as I had kids, there was my excuse why I struggled keeping the pounds off. I never blamed all the chocolate, soda and fried chicken I enjoyed daily.

"I loved my sweets, I really did..."

"I would sit there and have cake and coffee every morning, then a big lunch and I would binge at night. I'd pig-out after dinner. If there was cake or chocolate I would eat that, or I would sit and have a cup of tea and a block of chocolate."

At age 50, with a weight well over 225 lbs, I tried to find peace with my body.

"I got to 50 and thought 'This is me, I love me the way I am', because I was sick of dieting all the time and seeing no results for my efforts."

But after seeing a photo of myself at my son's engagement party, I realized just how much I had really gained over the years -- and I was shocked.

And it was after a weekend away with friends and family, where I struggled to walk the streets and was "always gasping for air, living on antacids [medication to help neutralize stomach acid]", that I decided to make a change.


And every time I tried to get healthier by:

- Exercising
- Cutting out sweets & fried food
- Eating oatmeal & fruit for breakfast
- Eating only healthy, whole ingredients throughout the day

I saw the scale hardly move, week after week.


"And for years when the 'opportunity' presented itself, I would say 'Well, I've had a piece of cake, there goes my entire diet, I might as well eat the whole thing'."

"That's what used to be my downfall. I'd lose weight, but I'd put it back on. I'd lose five lbs, then put on 10 lbs, then I'd lose 10 lbs and put on 15 lbs."

"It was a vicious cycle that I thought I would never escape..."

Sarah Conner Before 1 Sarah Conner Before 2

I soon realized I was going to be overweight for the rest of my life!

The cold Minnesota winters made it easier to ignore my weight, but the warmer summers made me want to change.

I consulted several doctors and found out I had high blood pressure and cholesterol. But these were normal for a person of my size...

... and not the main cause of the excessive pounds piling on day by day.

All the tests felt like a waste of money, especially since one doctor simply told me “that’s what happens when you get older”.

No matter how many more excuses I heard, I never stopped feeling miserable and depressed.

In Minnesota I looked after our home while my husband was busy working.

We didn’t have much of a social life except he had a lot of work events to attend.

It all changed in Florida and his new found free time and zest for life!

He knew a lot of old work colleagues that had retired in the area too. Everyday he met up with them, enjoying the beaches, but for me it was too mortifying to even think of wearing a bikini.

If I couldn't even relax around our little private pool, what would my husband think when he got home?

How he’d compare what his wife was like to all the other women around Florida that were half my size.

I was feeling hopeless and I finally confided in an old friend from back home.

After hearing me cry my heart out, she told me about her new routine.

It dealt with something in the body which most people have never heard of.

I’d surely never heard of it and to be honest I didn’t care what it was, I wanted to know what it did!

Could it fix all my problems?

This isn't the retirement I dreamt of, and to be honest I couldn't see myself past my 60's...

Surrounded by golden beaches that I can't enjoy.

And just sitting at home alone every single day, struck with jealousy & depression because I refused to join him and his friends.

Up til then -- all I knew were failed diets, useless doctors advice, and feeling hopeless.

But after a few weeks of following what my friend suggested to me...

... it was as if all of a sudden, a switch had been flicked inside of me.

My weight began to melt away once I started implementing her easy daily routine.

I even dared to see a doctor again and found out it had reduced my blood pressure... and my cholesterol levels even went down!

I wasted so much of my life believing the wrong things. I found out that weight gain & loss has nothing to do with:

  • How much high intensity exercise or cardio you do...
  • How many fad diets you go on, cutting out your favorite foods…
  • Missing out on your favorite snacks...
  • ​Not eating after a certain time...
  • Fasting...
  • ​Or even genetics or aging (thanks doctor for that lie!)

I know my Mom didn’t realize the lasting effect of what she said to me, but the doctors have no excuse! They want you to feel you’re broken, that it’s your fault!

But I can now finally say, it’s not my fault!

This ‘8 Second Routine’ changed everything for me.

  • My cravings suddenly disappeared
  • ​I slept all the way through the night - it’s been years since I remember doing this
  • The pain in my feet, legs & knees started to go away
  • ​Stopped obsessing over what the scales said - Feeling my clothes get looser within days was magical
  • Started eating all my favorite foods with no guilt
  • ​​Proved my Mom wrong and saw my “baby bump” shrink into a once again flat tummy
  • ​​Totally new wardrobe - except a couple of things I’d kept from my 20’s that I can actually fit in again!!!
  • ​​And of course lots of bikinis & fun with my hubby :)

However, the truth is that you have to do something every day to stay healthy.

And the way I see it is that you have two choices...

  1. Waste hours a day worrying about what food you should be eating and how much you should exercise.
  2. Follow this easy routine in the morning, as it barely takes any time just once a day.
Sarah Conner Transformation

Of course I picked "2" and I am so passionate about sharing this with you.

I want to see you start your own amazing transformation!

Being in my mid 50’s and about to enter my 60's, I’m now feeling younger than ever!

I'm no longer stuck at home, overridden with jealousy & depression.

I can finally enjoy the beautiful beaches and days out with my husband and all our friends.

But on the odd occasion I do choose to stay at home, I like to surprise him with something hot ;)

To learn the ‘8 Second Routine' tap above